About Me
Two parts passion. One part hope. Yet one can so easily find her pantry lacking. Hope settled in somewhere in the back and its expiration date quickly settled in and set up residence for the week. Passion, left to dry on the counter, floundered about looking for another recipe that could use its room temperature state. And one can easily be left questioning what to do. Explore. Measure out the bit of passion still fresh. Scrape at the top of hope and burrow for the flesh still ripe. Assemble its simplicity and enjoy the show of the smells floating around the kitchen space, wafting from the cracks in the oven door.
This is my
space to follow my passion, my quest for an education, the one I attempt to give myself in my own kitchen, the inspiration I gather from those women before me, the ideas I garner from narratives and articles, the happiness I get from attempting something new and sharing it with those around me, the smell of warm chocolate chip pecan cookies as they're cooling on my kitchen counter. This is the space to explore and expand.
At The Bakery
A fortunate fool who has the pleasure of interning in one of New York City's best bakeries.
Here I will chronicle what happens whenever I head in for the internship. I'll also reflect on all that I have learned and what I hope to always hold on to and to take on to further endeavors.
From the Market
The ramblings of what this struggling locavore attempts to make from what is available at the Farmer's Market. Click
here for more to read.
In The News
Here you will see what articles or bits of news I have come across that I find of particular interest.
Kitchen Confections
My kitchen is now my classroom until the other is reached.
Here I will chronicle what I attempt to teach myself. I don't want to just bake for the sake of baking. I want to understand each ingredient. I want to understand how they work, how they react, what they respond best to. I want to understand the box I am working with and then set about deconstructing it.
Flat pancakes? Lumpy cheesecake? Tasteless lemon blueberry muffins? What about a perfectly flaky dough? Apples sauteed in rum, sugar, and nutmeg and thrown on some whole grain waffles? Hazelnut croissants? Standing next to a cow named Buttercup while having your picture taken after sampling milk straight from her earlier that morning? Purchasing fresh goat cheese? Learning about where my food comes from and where it is going? Memories explored and expounded upon? Challenges I want to give myself and I want you to give me? All of this and more as soon as you click
Suggested Reading
This is what I'm reading. What I'm enjoying. And what I think you might like.